Posts tagged mindful
What happens when we freak others out when overusing our strength of creativity? 4 tips to shift the experience

When we overuse our strength of creativity, we can freak others out! What can be energising and motivating for some of use can be the driect opposite for others. Let’s explore 4 tips that will help connect everyone in this situation.

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Mindfulness helps us with the how of using our strengths

When we are mindful we better use our strengths. Mindfulness offers the how for the practice of strengths . It reminds us of being intentional.

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7 mindful tips to overcome performance anxiety in the workplace

Is my face red? Is my voice wavering? How will I survive this presentation with everyone looking at me? Nearly every one of us has had one or more of these thoughts when under pressure to perform in the workplace as we lead a team, give a pitch, or even speak in front of others.

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A boundary setting experiment: Honouring my and others time to support innovation and inspiration

I have embarked on an experiment to see how I can look at how I use my time and reduce my work hours but also honour the best parts of the day that work for me for creative and think time.

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Digging deeper into boundary setting: questions to help you

If we are being present with a boundary setting, then we need to be present with the process.

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scan, delete, file, allocate to a task or unsubscribe: 8 steps to approaching email habits mindfully

Have you come back from end of year festive break email overload? Is your inbox overflowing? Hello, yes, that’s me as well. 

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Self-care sunday: 13 tips for your practice

Self-care is anything you can do to help your physical, mental or emotional health. There are a variety of, and indeed combination of approaches and strategies you can carry out to help you with this.

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