Posts tagged appreciation
Small acts of self-care: Green tea refills are required

Self-care can be seen as a repertoire of practices – different things you can do that help you care for you, no matter how small. It is those small acts, often that we forget about or dismiss, that can be incredibly powerful. Repeated over time they become a habit that is empowering for you. My small self-care act is savouring a green tea.

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That’s a load of 2020: Covid consequences  

Wow, 2020! What a year. We’ve made it, and with a few extra new words to our vocabulary! It has been a year of exhaustion, heartbreak, and of reflection. It has been a significant year of pause. And many of the “re” words….rethink, renew, refresh, regroup, restart, reset, reflect, repurpose...have featured.

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Creating a gratitude habit: Questions to inspire you

Gratitude involves the ability to notice, appreciate, and savour. When we intentionally apply attention to being grateful or expressing a gratitude, we can increase enjoyment of experiences and in turn there is an increase in strengths such as kindness, appreciation, perspective, and optimism that enhance our wellbeing. There are many different ways to do this. In this post I share some strategies and a list of questions to scaffold and support your expression of a gratitude to yourself.

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Mindful walking as one daily act of self-care: Meditation54321

Every day I go for a walk. I walk to feel the fresh air on my skin, to smell nature and to notice beautiful things around me. I also walk to pause. To pause, stop, refresh and renew. On my walk I’ve been noticing new things, and I’ve been sharing these on social media as a way to share my pause and pass it on to others.

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Mindfulness helps us with the how of using our strengths

When we are mindful we better use our strengths. Mindfulness offers the how for the practice of strengths . It reminds us of being intentional.

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Digging deeper into boundary setting: questions to help you

If we are being present with a boundary setting, then we need to be present with the process.

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