Posts tagged change
The Magic of Small Changes: Turning Habits into Routines for Self-Care

Often, we underestimate the impact of small changes in our thinking or behavior. We may believe that these tiny tweaks don't make a difference. However, it's the accumulation of these small changes that contributes to our personal growth and development.

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Rethinking how we work: It is time to make some tweaks

I am heading into the 2021 working year feeling behind. What about you? I don’t think I’ve ever said that before, and I have definitely not said that out loud before. But I feel rather empowered in saying it out loud to you all. And this empowerment has me thinking about what I need to tweak as I more forward - hello a mini experiment in piggyback, mono-tasking, and slowing down.

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Collecting stories and strategies of self-care and wellbeing to help others during COVID-19

Self-care is about taking care of yourself. It is a proactive action involving steps to develop, protect, maintain and improve health, wellbeing or wellness. Self-care can be seen as a repertoire of practices – different things you do that help you care for you, no matter how small, in the act of treating yourself like you would a close friend. The importance of valuing self-care has not changed in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, but the ways in which we engage with and value our self-care may needed to have changed.

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Creating a gratitude habit: Questions to inspire you

Gratitude involves the ability to notice, appreciate, and savour. When we intentionally apply attention to being grateful or expressing a gratitude, we can increase enjoyment of experiences and in turn there is an increase in strengths such as kindness, appreciation, perspective, and optimism that enhance our wellbeing. There are many different ways to do this. In this post I share some strategies and a list of questions to scaffold and support your expression of a gratitude to yourself.

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Creating Habits - Part 2

Tiny habits put together help with the end result, the change you want to see. But the habit itself, the tiny change you make, won’t make the habit form into a routine. It is the system of the habit that is key to the transformation. We have to fall in love with the process, and it has to become a part of our identity. In this way the habit becomes about the cycle of refinement and continuous growth, not the end goal.

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