Posts tagged rest
Rest as Rebellion: The Radical Power of Out of Office Boundaries

In our hustle culture that glorifies burnout, taking real rest has become a revolutionary act. We've been conditioned to keep pushing, to always be "on," responding instantly to every email and Slack notification. But true rest - the kind that allows us to recharge, reflect, and realign with our deepest values - requires firm boundaries.

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Rest as our companion to productivity: And who knew there are different types!

Rest and sleep. We know we need both. Some of us need more than others. And at different times we need more than at others. They are different, but what exactly are they and how can they help us?

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Rethinking how we work: It is time to make some tweaks

I am heading into the 2021 working year feeling behind. What about you? I don’t think I’ve ever said that before, and I have definitely not said that out loud before. But I feel rather empowered in saying it out loud to you all. And this empowerment has me thinking about what I need to tweak as I more forward - hello a mini experiment in piggyback, mono-tasking, and slowing down.

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