Posts tagged Academic wellbeing
Rest as our companion to productivity: And who knew there are different types!

Rest and sleep. We know we need both. Some of us need more than others. And at different times we need more than at others. They are different, but what exactly are they and how can they help us?

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Processing student evaluation feedback

In higher education student evaluations are a hotly contested space. So let’s have a look at an approach for processing that enables you to care for you at the same time.

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The care in requests

I love receiving email requests to collaborate, speak, or run workshops. I especially like emails, tweets and DMs that share an appreciation. I honestly love hearing from others, it brings me joy. I love ideas. I love being generous. But, there is an art to communication and showing care to those you are reaching out to. Here are my 9 flips that place care at the centre of the cold call or new connection with a busy person.

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