Posts tagged academic reciprocity
Quiet Quitting or is it Quiet Flourishing?

Quiet quitting can be harmful, so what about quiet flourishing? So what does this look like? Let’s explore as you coach yourself and find a balance between one's inner world and the external demands of work and personal life.

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Festive Five: Celebrating 1 Year of Wellbeing Whisperer

Wellbeing Whisperer has just turned one. Thanks for your support, for sharing and for reaching out with what has resonated with you. As we move into the end of year and to mark this celebration I’ve collated the top five posts from the past 12 months as a Festive Five gift to you. Read them individually or as a set in an act of care for you and our colleagues.

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Processing student evaluation feedback

In higher education student evaluations are a hotly contested space. So let’s have a look at an approach for processing that enables you to care for you at the same time.

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The care in requests

I love receiving email requests to collaborate, speak, or run workshops. I especially like emails, tweets and DMs that share an appreciation. I honestly love hearing from others, it brings me joy. I love ideas. I love being generous. But, there is an art to communication and showing care to those you are reaching out to. Here are my 9 flips that place care at the centre of the cold call or new connection with a busy person.

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Small acts of self-care: Green tea refills are required

Self-care can be seen as a repertoire of practices – different things you can do that help you care for you, no matter how small. It is those small acts, often that we forget about or dismiss, that can be incredibly powerful. Repeated over time they become a habit that is empowering for you. My small self-care act is savouring a green tea.

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The invitation to peer review for a publication: 5 questions to help you with your yes...or no.

My friend, let’s call him Max, sent me a text. He’s a lecturer who is also undertaking his final 6 months of the Phd. He asked me “how do I respond to a request to be a reviewer for a journal?”. Let’s unpack some question sto help you answer this where self-care is present.

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