Posts in supervision
Supporting the wellbeing of doctoral researchers who study at a distance

Some students may live and work far away from their campuses; others may be physically nearby but work remotely for a portion or all of their candidature, whether by preference, by force. This guest post by Dr Katrina McChesney (University of Waikato, New Zealand) and Dr Jamie Burford (University of Warwick, UK) offers timely advice and illuminates five principles for doctoral wellbeing.

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Festive Five: Celebrating 1 Year of Wellbeing Whisperer

Wellbeing Whisperer has just turned one. Thanks for your support, for sharing and for reaching out with what has resonated with you. As we move into the end of year and to mark this celebration I’ve collated the top five posts from the past 12 months as a Festive Five gift to you. Read them individually or as a set in an act of care for you and our colleagues.

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Collaboration and the PhD experience (Part 4): Mentorship and nurturing your supervisor relationship

Mentorship and nurturing your supervisor relationship are hot topics in the PhD journey. Part 4 of the Collaboration and the PhD experience series focuses on some reflective questions to support these relationships.

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Rest as our companion to productivity: And who knew there are different types!

Rest and sleep. We know we need both. Some of us need more than others. And at different times we need more than at others. They are different, but what exactly are they and how can they help us?

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Processing student evaluation feedback

In higher education student evaluations are a hotly contested space. So let’s have a look at an approach for processing that enables you to care for you at the same time.

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Collaboration and the PhD experience (Part 2): Connecting to your why and job crafting

Connecting to your why is an important first step to working out how to achieve the goals that excite you. Let’s talk about how this may be possible with your PhD.

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The invitation to peer review for a publication: 5 questions to help you with your yes...or no.

My friend, let’s call him Max, sent me a text. He’s a lecturer who is also undertaking his final 6 months of the Phd. He asked me “how do I respond to a request to be a reviewer for a journal?”. Let’s unpack some question sto help you answer this where self-care is present.

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Caring for ourselves and each other as we return to campus

Teaching 2021 is starting back again here in Australia. It will be a year and one week since I last taught in a room that is not my lounge or spare bedroom and on campus! I’m pretty excited actually. I love the energy in a room and the additional layer of social connection that is achievable away from screens. But, I know my excitement is not experienced by others.

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Gaining a sense of control: Finding you again

It’s mid Feb and there are an enormous amount of lockdowns happening right now. Like many of us, the sense of control, or lack thereof is very much present. Let’s connect to our sphere of control for covid…and our academic work.

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