Where Wellbeing Science Meets Writing

The SUAW ecosystem differs from a mere community through its intricate web of interdependent elements that sustain and nourish writing practice. While a community focuses primarily on human connections and shared experiences, an ecosystem encompasses the delicate balance between physical environments, temporal rhythms, relational dynamics, and individual growth patterns.

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Narelle LemonComment
Deep Listening: Are You Being Helped, Hugged or Heard?

Sometimes, the most powerful response is simply being present. Sitting in comfortable silence. Nodding encouragingly. These small acts signal: "I'm here, and I'm not rushing to fix or change anything about this moment."

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Strategic Recovery: Moving Beyond Basic Self-Care

Strategic recovery isn't just about bouncing back; it's about bouncing forward with purpose. It's the thoughtful integration of practices that help us maintain, protect and grow our wellbeing across individual, team, organisational and cultural levels. Think of it as creating a personalised ecosystem of recovery practices that work together harmoniously.

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The Time Paradox in Self-Care: Reframing Our Relationship with the Clock

Welcome to Day 4 of WA Mental Health Week. Today, we're diving into one of the most complex dimensions of self-care: time. It's the resource we all wish we had more of, yet often struggle to manage effectively. Let's unpack the various faces of time and discover how to make it work for our wellbeing, not against it.

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Embracing Joy: A Non-Negotiable in Your Self-Care Toolbox

What will your first intentional moment of joy be today? Joy is like the confetti of emotions – sudden, unexpected, and oh-so-colorful. It's that high-intensity feeling that washes over you in short bursts, leaving you feeling connected to others, to nature, or to the universe at large…and to yourself.

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Citizen Wellbeing Scientists: Empowering Self-Care Through Documentation and Community

A Citizen Wellbeing Scientist is an individual who actively engages in documenting, reflecting on, and sharing their self-care practices to contribute to a broader understanding of wellbeing.

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The Magic of Small Changes: Turning Habits into Routines for Self-Care

Often, we underestimate the impact of small changes in our thinking or behavior. We may believe that these tiny tweaks don't make a difference. However, it's the accumulation of these small changes that contributes to our personal growth and development.

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Rest as Rebellion: The Radical Power of Out of Office Boundaries

In our hustle culture that glorifies burnout, taking real rest has become a revolutionary act. We've been conditioned to keep pushing, to always be "on," responding instantly to every email and Slack notification. But true rest - the kind that allows us to recharge, reflect, and realign with our deepest values - requires firm boundaries.

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Essentialism Meets AI: How We Wrote a Book in a Weekend While Prioritizing Self-Care

We wrote a book in a weekend! Discover how AI and essentialism can transform your project management and self-care practices. Learn from our cyborg writing retreat and embrace intentional living for optimal wellbeing and success.

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Recharge Week: Embracing Rest and Renewal

At its core, the slow movement isn't about complete stagnation; rather, it's about regaining control over the pace of our lives. It's a conscious decision to resist the hustle culture that surrounds us, favouring presence, thoughtfulness, and meaningful connections over mindless productivity.

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