Unpacking Self-Care: A Journey of Self-Discovery

Unpacking Self-Care:

A Journey of Self-Discovery

Self-care is a term we often hear, but what does it really mean? Let's explore a deeper, more nuanced understanding of self-care and how it can transform our daily lives.

Defining Self-Care

This is how I define self-care:

Self-care is anything you do proactively that helps you develop, protect, maintain, and improve health, wellbeing or wellness. It is about meeting yourself each day, learning who you really are and continuing to be present with your needs to help you be the best version of yourself today. It is a process of self-discovery, not perfectionism or comparing yourself to others.

Let's unpack this definition and explore what it means for our everyday lives.

Proactive Action

Self-care is proactive. It's not about waiting until you're burnt out or stressed to take action. Instead, it's about regularly engaging in activities that nourish your mind, body, and spirit. This could be as simple as setting aside time each day for a quiet cup of tea, or as structured as scheduling weekly exercise sessions.

Reflection: What proactive steps can you take today to care for your future self?

Holistic Approach

Notice how the definition encompasses health, wellbeing, and wellness. Self-care isn't just about physical health - it's about nurturing all aspects of yourself. This might involve:

  • Physical self-care: Regular exercise, balanced nutrition, adequate sleep

  • Emotional self-care: Journaling, therapy, practising self-compassion

  • Mental self-care: Learning new skills, engaging in stimulating conversations

  • Spiritual self-care: Meditation, connecting with nature, exploring your values

Reflection: How can you balance your self-care practices across these different areas?

Daily Practice

Self-care is about "meeting yourself each day". It's not a one-off event or something you do only when you have time. It's a daily commitment to check in with yourself, understand your needs, and take steps to meet them.

Reflection: How can you incorporate a brief self-care check-in into your daily routine?


The definition emphasises that self-care is a "process of self-discovery". As you engage in self-care, you learn more about yourself - your needs, your values, what energises you, and what drains you. This self-knowledge is invaluable in shaping a life that truly supports your wellbeing.

Reflection: What have you learned about yourself through your self-care practices?

Being Present

Self-care involves "continuing to be present with your needs". This requires mindfulness - the ability to tune into your current state without judgement. It's about recognising that your needs may change from day to day, and being flexible in your self-care approach.

Reflection: How can you become more attuned to your changing needs?

Becoming Your Best Self

The goal of self-care is to "help you be the best version of yourself today". Note the emphasis on "today". This isn't about striving for some future perfect self, but about being the best you can be in this moment, with the resources and energy you have right now.

Reflection: What does being the "best version of yourself" mean to you today?

Not About Perfectionism or Comparison

It's crucial to understand that self-care isn't about achieving perfection or measuring yourself against others. Your self-care journey is uniquely yours. What works for someone else might not work for you, and that's perfectly okay.

Reflection: How can you let go of perfectionism and comparison in your self-care practice?

Embracing Your Self-Care Journey

Understanding self-care as a journey of self-discovery opens up a world of possibilities. It invites us to be curious about ourselves, to experiment with different practices, and to grow in our understanding of what truly nourishes us.

Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all approach to self-care. It's about finding what works for you, in this moment, to help you feel more alive, more yourself, and more equipped to handle life's challenges.

As you continue on your self-care journey, be kind to yourself. Celebrate the small steps, learn from the setbacks, and always remember - you are worthy of care, especially from yourself.

What will your next step in self-care be?