Posts tagged compassion
Creating Habits - Part 2

Tiny habits put together help with the end result, the change you want to see. But the habit itself, the tiny change you make, won’t make the habit form into a routine. It is the system of the habit that is key to the transformation. We have to fall in love with the process, and it has to become a part of our identity. In this way the habit becomes about the cycle of refinement and continuous growth, not the end goal.

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Circle of niceness: mapping our values

'Circle of niceness' is a way of being. It is group of people, in this case those working in higher education, that have a shared understanding of the profession and who problem solve through supportive and mutually respectful ways.

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My self-care package to help with juggling to many balls in the air

In this post I connect with ideas of self-care to curb perfectionist spiraling out of control. There are 23 strategies for your self-care package to consider.

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