Posts tagged time management
The Magic of Small Changes: Turning Habits into Routines for Self-Care

Often, we underestimate the impact of small changes in our thinking or behavior. We may believe that these tiny tweaks don't make a difference. However, it's the accumulation of these small changes that contributes to our personal growth and development.

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A boundary setting experiment: Honouring my and others time to support innovation and inspiration

I have embarked on an experiment to see how I can look at how I use my time and reduce my work hours but also honour the best parts of the day that work for me for creative and think time.

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My self-care package to help with juggling to many balls in the air

In this post I connect with ideas of self-care to curb perfectionist spiraling out of control. There are 23 strategies for your self-care package to consider.

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scan, delete, file, allocate to a task or unsubscribe: 8 steps to approaching email habits mindfully

Have you come back from end of year festive break email overload? Is your inbox overflowing? Hello, yes, that’s me as well. 

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Self-care sunday: 13 tips for your practice

Self-care is anything you can do to help your physical, mental or emotional health. There are a variety of, and indeed combination of approaches and strategies you can carry out to help you with this.

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