The Magic of Small Changes: Turning Habits into Routines for Self-Care

The Magic of Small Changes:

Turning Habits into Routines for Self-Care.

Habits are powerful tools for personal growth and self-care. By consistently making small changes in our daily lives, we can transform our habits into routines that support our wellbeing. Often, we underestimate the impact of small changes in our thinking or behavior. We may believe that these tiny tweaks don't make a difference. However, it's the accumulation of these small changes that contributes to our personal growth and development.


As James Clear states in his book Atomic Habits, if you're having trouble changing your habits, the problem isn't you. We've been indoctrinated to think this way. What if we thought of it as, the problem is your system or approach? Bad habits repeat themselves not because you don't want to change, but because you have the wrong system set up for change and the change you want to make.


Our everyday decisions may seem insignificant in the moment, but they have a profound impact over time. Just as bad choices can accumulate and lead to negative outcomes, good choices can build up and result in positive changes and success. Success, in this context, is about focusing on daily habits that create the path to our desired outcomes.


It's important to remember that small choices take time to make a noticeable impact. As we consistently apply our new habits, the change may not be immediately visible. However, the repeated practice of the new habit contributes to the overall transformation we seek.


Self-Care and Tiny Habits

Habits just love being connected to more than just the act of what it is you want to do. You want to connect to the reward (the gain for you, for example how it makes you feel and the connection to positive emotions).


Let's consider the role of tiny habits in self-care, specifically in relation to creating a habit to connect more with a hobby (such as to read more or listen to podcasts more or to engage in a creative making endeavour such as knitting or painting, or perhaps it is to sing theatre tunes).  


Cue: Book yourself in your diary with a painting session, set an alarm to remind you.

Trigger: Dedicate 30 minutes each morning to painting. This time is solely for you to express yourself creatively and focus on the present moment.

Response: As you engage in painting, notice how you feel creative, expressive, and focused. Allow your mind to explore and let go of any stress or worries. Embrace the painting process as a meditative and calming experience. The process and product as just as important and of value.

Reward: Acknowledge the sense of accomplishment and personal growth you feel as you develop your painting skills and create a piece of work. Recognize that your regular engagement in this hobby supports the development of new neural pathways in your brain associated with creativity, self-expression, and mindfulness. The connection to flow is energising, and most like infectious and you will want more.  


Embracing the power of small choices and turning habits into routines is a key aspect of effective self-care. By consistently making tiny changes in our daily lives, we can cultivate habits that support our wellbeing and lead to significant personal growth over time. Remember, success is found in the daily habits that we focus on, creating the path to our ultimate goals.



Coach Yourself


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1. Identify a small change:

   - Choose one small change you want to make in your daily life that aligns with your self-care goals.

   - Make sure the change is realistic, achievable, and specific.

   - Examples: drinking an extra glass of water, taking a 10-minute break to stretch, or expressing gratitude to someone daily.


2. Set a reminder:

   - Create a visual or auditory reminder to help you remember to implement your small change.

   - Set an alarm on your phone, establish a calendar booking of yourself, place a sticky note on your mirror, or use a habit-tracking app for example.

   - Make the reminder prominent and easily accessible.


3. Practice consistently:

   - Commit to practicing your small change every day, even if it feels uncomfortable at first.

   - Be patient with yourself and understand that forming a new habit takes time and effort.

   - Celebrate your progress, no matter how small, and acknowledge your dedication to self-care.


4. Reflect and adjust:

   - After a week or two, reflect on your experience with implementing the small change.

   - Notice how the change has affected your overall wellbeing and self-care routine.

   - If needed, make adjustments to your approach or consider adding another small change to your daily practice.


5. Build on your success:

   - As your small change becomes a habit, look for opportunities to expand or build upon it.

   - Consider how you can incorporate this new habit into other areas of your life or combine it with other self-care practices.

   - Celebrate your growth and the positive impact your small changes have had on your wellbeing.


Remember to self, the key to turning habits into routines for self-care is consistency, patience, and self-compassion.