Posts tagged grateful
Creating a gratitude habit: Questions to inspire you

Gratitude involves the ability to notice, appreciate, and savour. When we intentionally apply attention to being grateful or expressing a gratitude, we can increase enjoyment of experiences and in turn there is an increase in strengths such as kindness, appreciation, perspective, and optimism that enhance our wellbeing. There are many different ways to do this. In this post I share some strategies and a list of questions to scaffold and support your expression of a gratitude to yourself.

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Digging deeper into boundary setting: questions to help you

If we are being present with a boundary setting, then we need to be present with the process.

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Self-care sunday: 13 tips for your practice

Self-care is anything you can do to help your physical, mental or emotional health. There are a variety of, and indeed combination of approaches and strategies you can carry out to help you with this.

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