Posts tagged learning
Supporting ourselves: Lessons from yoga for our writing

Like yoga, approaching writing and how one begins the process is important. Scaffolding the process is central, as to preparing for writing. Here are some questions I ask myself.

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The invitation to peer review for a publication: 5 questions to help you with your yes...or no.

My friend, let’s call him Max, sent me a text. He’s a lecturer who is also undertaking his final 6 months of the Phd. He asked me “how do I respond to a request to be a reviewer for a journal?”. Let’s unpack some question sto help you answer this where self-care is present.

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Caring for ourselves and each other as we return to campus

Teaching 2021 is starting back again here in Australia. It will be a year and one week since I last taught in a room that is not my lounge or spare bedroom and on campus! I’m pretty excited actually. I love the energy in a room and the additional layer of social connection that is achievable away from screens. But, I know my excitement is not experienced by others.

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Mindfulness helps us with the how of using our strengths

When we are mindful we better use our strengths. Mindfulness offers the how for the practice of strengths . It reminds us of being intentional.

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