writing is my coping: what creative endeavour energises you?


writing is my coping: what creative endeavour energises you?

So, when I am feeling a bit stressed, or anxious about a particular meeting or project I need to work on, I write. I write as part of my inquiry into the work I do, and I write as a product.

I was recently asked by a new friend how I manage to do so much. I always find this question one based on many assumptions - nonetheless of which is based on a comparison of what I do happens to be more than others. I also think it is rather subjective based on many assumptions of reading someone else’s life from a small moment in time or little insight. But I digress. It is essentially a good question, if we take away any assumptions of reading someone.

So, my initial response is that I’m not perfect. But, I am always learning. I’m learning to be mindful, I’m learning to help others be mindful, I’m learning to honour my creative time, and I’m helping others honour this as well. I’m learning which creative endeavours energies me, challenge me, inspire me, or calm me. All in all, I’m just learning. And I love that.

One thing that I have learnt is that writing is a coping strategy for me.

What do I mean by this?

Well, I always try to look at life as if it is a glass half full. I enjoy positivity and positive people, and yep, positive situations. I thrive on ideas, and I love helping others create possibilities. What I am also fascinated about is stress, but more specially the coping strategies people use to cope with these stresses. So, when I think about mindfulness, creativity and self, I also like to tune into what it is that we can do mindfully that engages the creative part of our life, that brings us energy, and also happens to be a productive coping strategy.

So, when I am feeling a bit stressed, or anxious about a particular meeting or project I need to work on, I write. I write as part of my inquiry into the work I do, and I write as a product. I also write just for me. I write mindfully - in a space that is productive for me (I have a few favourite cafes where I just love the green tea and the environment works well for me, with just enough background noise to allow me not to be distracted by the conversations around me but not to impeded the flow) and at a time that works for me. Usually I write in the mornings when my mind is fresh, but occasionally I need to honour a tired brain, and so this might be slightly later in the day or even not at all. I sometimes type on my computer and other times I write with a pencil in my notebook. Sometimes I do both. I write mindfully for an hour, sometimes half a day, other times for 5 minutes. Any little moment helps me. It calms me. It centres me. And it allows me to process things going around in my head. It allows me to capture ideas, to develop ideas, and to share ideas. And it allows me to cope.

Some things to ask yourself:

What creative endeavour energises you?

What creative endeavour allows you to experience a state of mindful flow?

What time of the day works best for you to create?

How can your creative endeavour be a productive coping strategy for you?

What things are in the way of this happening?

What can you do about this?

Who have can you seek advice from?

When will you try this out?