Posts tagged strength
New year sparkle and working to your strengths

My word for 2021 is Sparkle. I’m setting the intention that we can all sparkle and be the best we can be as we navigate a pandemic and this chance to pause and review all that is happening in the world, how we work, and how we treat one another. One way to sparkle is to connect to your strengths. Let’s explore how and why.

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A strengths based approach to goal setting

I had the privilege this morning of working with a group of final year pre-service teachers preparing to enter their last professional experience (time in the classroom where theory and practice are put into action). Our focus today was goal setting, and we approached this by exploring our ideas around what it means to be a teacher and our why of being a teacher closely connected to who we are right now as teachers as this identify formation is occurring. One of the key aspects of this was working to our strengths and extending our knowledge and language around how we can do this.

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What happens when we freak others out when overusing our strength of creativity? 4 tips to shift the experience

When we overuse our strength of creativity, we can freak others out! What can be energising and motivating for some of use can be the driect opposite for others. Let’s explore 4 tips that will help connect everyone in this situation.

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Mindfulness helps us with the how of using our strengths

When we are mindful we better use our strengths. Mindfulness offers the how for the practice of strengths . It reminds us of being intentional.

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