Posts tagged intention
New year sparkle and working to your strengths

My word for 2021 is Sparkle. I’m setting the intention that we can all sparkle and be the best we can be as we navigate a pandemic and this chance to pause and review all that is happening in the world, how we work, and how we treat one another. One way to sparkle is to connect to your strengths. Let’s explore how and why.

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When life appears like a Seinfeld script: Mantra meditation

What I have noticed is that my meditation practice has required some fine tuning, more attention. I’m able to see that my current situation is allowing me to refine my meditation practice. It is reminding me that perhaps I have dropped a few aspects and been a little hap hazard. Nothing like a real-life Seinfeld episode playing out to remind you that you don’t need to be caught up in the drama. Thank you 2020.

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