Posts tagged present moment
When life appears like a Seinfeld script: Mantra meditation

What I have noticed is that my meditation practice has required some fine tuning, more attention. I’m able to see that my current situation is allowing me to refine my meditation practice. It is reminding me that perhaps I have dropped a few aspects and been a little hap hazard. Nothing like a real-life Seinfeld episode playing out to remind you that you don’t need to be caught up in the drama. Thank you 2020.

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Soothing touch, flow and the dentist: Interrupting avoidance and anxiety

I’m not the biggest fan of visiting the dentist. So, after 12 months of resisting some major work I needed to have done, I prepared myself to just get it done. What happened for me on this journey? Well number one was that I had to tune into my thoughts and my responses and embrace them as a personal development lesson. Here’s my findings: 1. Communication, 2. Know your body, 3. Mindfulness, 4. Soothing touch, and 5. Explore the power of your noise cancelling earphones and an audiobook.

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Mindful walking as one daily act of self-care: Meditation54321

Every day I go for a walk. I walk to feel the fresh air on my skin, to smell nature and to notice beautiful things around me. I also walk to pause. To pause, stop, refresh and renew. On my walk I’ve been noticing new things, and I’ve been sharing these on social media as a way to share my pause and pass it on to others.

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