The gift of stopping


The gift of stopping

Subtle tips to help you stop.

One of the greatest gifts can be to just stop.

I know it currently is the end of the year and I’m fully aware of what comes with this - last minute deadlines, extra social events, and lots of planning. There is a raised level of energy at this time of the year, and it’s not always a good energy. Have you noticed this? I’m noticing more busyness on the roads, people forgetting to stop in their cars when reaching a pedestrian crossing, more shopping (one for a gift, two for me), emotional conversations, and people telling me they are exhausted and that 2020 is going to be all about boundaries for them. Personally I am walking into things that have been there all year (all of a sudden the coffee table corner becomes a hurdle to get around…oh and those stair cases, don’t get me started (I’ve fallen up stairs a bit on the last few weeks!)) I’m slightly exhausted by it all, and you probably are as well. Being able to be present in the moment seems a little bit more difficult than usual (I’m struggling to meditate for long lengths of times and I am upping my positive self-talk).

So, let’s stop for a moment.

Stopping doesn’t have to be a big event. Small micro moments are just as powerful.

Knowing when you need to stop is one of the biggest hurdles, and a moment to celebrate. Yep, celebrate that you have noticed in yourself that you need to stop, as this acknowledgement is key to you being able to actually stop. High five!

Know you can set boundaries. Give yourself permission to say yes or no. And a friendly reminder to self, you have a choice, you really do!

Take deep breathes embracing the inhale and exhale at a slow pace. A few cycles of inhale for 3, hold for 3 and exhale for 3 can do wonders. And if you want to slow your breathe down even more consider extending the count of 3 to 4 or 5.

Sit, take your shoes off and run your toes through some grass or a textured rug. This is so soothing and paired with breathing is a nice way to stop.

Stop thinking and just listen. Listen to some new music, an audiobook or podcast that is of a unique topic to you. Don’t do it for work or for study, just listen for you.

Reach out to connect and talk to someone that you find inspiring or motivating. Chat over a coffee, cup of tea or a meal. Just be with the connection and embrace the relationship and time you are making.

Walk just for walking’s sake. Walk, notice, breathe, smell, and embrace walking just because….not for exercise, not to talk on the phone, not to escape a situation, not to transition between events, not to catch the train…just walk to walk.

And my last tip, be kind to yourself. Be gentle, don’t judge yourself if you get upset, or you fall over, say something silly or feel uncomfortable in a social setting. Acknowledge, notice and know that this feeling too does pass (it really does).

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