A strengths based approach to goal setting


A strengths based approach to goal setting

Working with our strengths to explore where we are now and where we want to be

I had the privilege this morning of working with a group of final year pre-service teachers preparing to enter their last professional experience (time in the classroom where theory and practice are put into action). Our focus today was goal setting, and we approached this by exploring our ideas around what it means to be a teacher and our why of being a teacher closely connected to who we are right now as teachers. One of the key aspects of this was working to our strengths and extending our knowledge and language around how we can do this. I thought I would share the steps we undertook, as a way to celebrate this work but to also offer a reference point to others (pre-service teachers, teachers, or any other careers). The steps we followed had us working individually, moving into a group reflection and discussion, followed by individual work once more. All steps were guided.


Individual reflection on large butchers paper.

1. Venn diagram set up. Draw a large Venn Diagram. Model on whiteboard.
2. Begin with one of the circles, writing the prompt as a header at the top.
3. Circle 1 reflection prompt: a teacher to me is….what skills, knowledge, practice, attributes, beliefs, values, actions or behaviours do we see are crucial to the role of being a teacher? Respond in key words, sentences or images.
4. Write or draw.
5. Move to the second circle.
6. Circle 2 reflection prompt: the teacher I am! Write this header. Think about who you are as a teacher now, right now, in this moment of time (in this case as fourth year / final year pre-service teachers). What skills, knowledge, practice, attributes, beliefs, values, actions or behaviours do you see in yourself?
7. Write or draw.
8. Middle of the circles, what overlaps occur between the role as teacher and where you are at right now.
9. Write or draw.
10. On a sticky note, place one strength per sticky note while identifying strengths you believe are visible in circle 1 and circle 2.
11. Write or draw, knowing you can now move between each circle and the middle where overlaps occur.

Now leave your reflection on the Venn diagram. Come together as a group standing around a table where strengths cards have been laid out.

1. Look at these words.
2. Note what you see - what is familiar, what is new, what is reinforced, what surprises you. Think to yourself.
3. Now think about you as a person. Connect to your life, who you are, your beliefs, values, etc. What strengths do you see on these cards that you think are you right now?
4. Briefing (teaching moment) - strengths, what they are, how we use them, overuse, underused, not realised, shine, etc and link to use, performance and energy. Model as teacher instructor to participants what your strengths are and how you use them.
5. Invite participants to pick up the cards. What resonates with you, tell us as a group about these strengths and connect to a lived experience. Support your peers, and bounce off one another. Reflect as you hear your peers share.
6. Discuss. Think about pairing of strengths, underuse or overuse. What have others noticed in you?

Moving back to individual Venn diagram.

1. Select a different colour of sticky note.
2. Add in additional strengths or edit others you have written now you have another layer of knowledge.
3. What do you notice?
4. Walk around the room and notice your peers Venn diagram. What else do you notice? What could they also add, what could you also add?
5. Set a goal for your next placement framing this through your strengths.
6. Share.
7. Discuss.


The outcome was an amazing energy in the room with new insights and a different way to explore identity (in this case becoming and being a teacher) and strengths based goals. Some examples were:

Using my strength of humour, I aim to extend my relationships with the students I teach to form connection and build rapport. My aim is to form a community in the classroom.

Using my strength of curiosity, relationship deepener and communicator I am to build a toolbox of resources for classroom management that are focused more on the positive rather than behaviours, actions or attitudes that are undesirable.

As I navigate being a mum and teacher I aim to use my strengths of self-awareness, reflection and perspective to explore ways I can set clear boundaries between my work life (as a teacher in the classroom) with my personal life (being a mother) in order to support my growth as a professional moving from final year pre-service teacher to graduate teacher in the classroom.

This activity was design for a workshop, but can easily be undertaken 1:1 with a peer, coach or colleague as you navigate integrating your strengths with your goals.

Enjoy your exploration, and share your insights as you explore and create possibilities.