Posts tagged sphere of control
Rest as our companion to productivity: And who knew there are different types!

Rest and sleep. We know we need both. Some of us need more than others. And at different times we need more than at others. They are different, but what exactly are they and how can they help us?

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Processing student evaluation feedback

In higher education student evaluations are a hotly contested space. So let’s have a look at an approach for processing that enables you to care for you at the same time.

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Normalising risk taking and fear of failure

A recent tweet from a colleague reminded me of the fear of rejection and failure dialogue I had been recently having with myself. To be honest, I have many, but there had been one I’ll share with you in the post that had featured in my mind a little too much. Let’s unpack this in a way that may help you as well.

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Supporting ourselves: Lessons from yoga for our writing

Like yoga, approaching writing and how one begins the process is important. Scaffolding the process is central, as to preparing for writing. Here are some questions I ask myself.

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Stuck in the Suez Canal: Processing your writing blocks

The recent events of the container ship stuck in the Suez Canal has offered some great viewing, much dialogue, and some critical discussion points represented in memes for us over the past week. The event has also offered us a familiar metaphor for how we sometimes feel as PhD scholars, writers and researchers. Who is your tugboat?

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Gaining a sense of control: Finding you again

It’s mid Feb and there are an enormous amount of lockdowns happening right now. Like many of us, the sense of control, or lack thereof is very much present. Let’s connect to our sphere of control for covid…and our academic work.

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