Posts tagged research
Stuck in the Suez Canal: Processing your writing blocks

The recent events of the container ship stuck in the Suez Canal has offered some great viewing, much dialogue, and some critical discussion points represented in memes for us over the past week. The event has also offered us a familiar metaphor for how we sometimes feel as PhD scholars, writers and researchers. Who is your tugboat?

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Collecting stories and strategies of self-care and wellbeing to help others during COVID-19

Self-care is about taking care of yourself. It is a proactive action involving steps to develop, protect, maintain and improve health, wellbeing or wellness. Self-care can be seen as a repertoire of practices – different things you do that help you care for you, no matter how small, in the act of treating yourself like you would a close friend. The importance of valuing self-care has not changed in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, but the ways in which we engage with and value our self-care may needed to have changed.

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