Posts tagged workplace
Rest as Rebellion: The Radical Power of Out of Office Boundaries

In our hustle culture that glorifies burnout, taking real rest has become a revolutionary act. We've been conditioned to keep pushing, to always be "on," responding instantly to every email and Slack notification. But true rest - the kind that allows us to recharge, reflect, and realign with our deepest values - requires firm boundaries.

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Recharge Week: Embracing Rest and Renewal

At its core, the slow movement isn't about complete stagnation; rather, it's about regaining control over the pace of our lives. It's a conscious decision to resist the hustle culture that surrounds us, favouring presence, thoughtfulness, and meaningful connections over mindless productivity.

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7 mindful tips to overcome performance anxiety in the workplace

Is my face red? Is my voice wavering? How will I survive this presentation with everyone looking at me? Nearly every one of us has had one or more of these thoughts when under pressure to perform in the workplace as we lead a team, give a pitch, or even speak in front of others.

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