Festive Five: Celebrating 1 Year of Wellbeing Whisperer

Festive Five:

Celebrating 1 Year of Wellbeing Whisperer

Wellbeing Whisperer has just turned one. Thanks for your support, for sharing and for reaching out with what has resonated with you.

As we move into the end of year and to mark this celebration I’ve collated the top five posts from the past 12 months as a Festive Five gift to you. Read them individually or as a set in an act of care for you and our colleagues.

Enjoy the read:

The care in requests

I love receiving email requests to collaborate, speak, or run workshops. I especially like emails, tweets and DMs that share an appreciation. I honestly love hearing from others, it brings me joy. I love ideas. I love being generous. But, there is an art to communication and showing care to those you are reaching out to. Here are my 9 flips that place care at the centre of the cold call or new connection with a busy person.

When there is no promotion shine, just deflation...

The feedback floats around in my mind, blurring together, I hear them but I don’t register them. But there is one louder comment that gets stronger and stronger in my mind, playing like a bad song I’ve heard in the foyer of a building that for some reason I remember and keep playing again and again in my mind: "On this occasion, we regret to inform you that your application for promotion, has been unsuccessful".

Do you need a Boundary Manifesto?

I’m just going to say it. I’m exhausted. My personal and professional life has blurred so much that I have developed this pattern in the last few months where I work 7 days a week. I keep telling myself I am doing it to keep up or even get ahead on tasks. But after months of doing this I’m not. That’s not cool! My boundaries need a serious refresh. What about you?

Rethinking how we work: It is time to make some tweaks

I am heading into the 2021 working year feeling behind. What about you? I don’t think I’ve ever said that before, and I have definitely not said that out loud before. But I feel rather empowered in saying it out loud to you all. And this empowerment has me thinking about what I need to tweak as I more forward - hello a mini experiment in piggyback, mono-tasking, and slowing down.

Rest as our companion to productivity: And who knew there are different types!

Rest and sleep. We know we need both. Some of us need more than others. And at different times we need more than at others. They are different, but what exactly are they and how can they help us?