Posts tagged flexible and remote learning
Teachers supporting teachers: SERIES 2 EPISODE 15 - Managing expectations, isolation & self-care during a remote learning prac

Welcome to this episode where we hear from Claire, Breanna and Chrystal who are secondary pre-service teachers who are getting ready to graduate. They join me to reveal their insights of undertaking a professional experience placement in the secondary context during a Covid remote and flexible learning directive. Head’s up, this episode is honest, raw and insightful with moments touching on disappointment, isolation and a sadness that has been 2020 for some of us.

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Teachers supporting teachers: SERIES 2 EPISODE 14 - Leaving a legacy as a teacher during COVID

In this podcast episode we welcome back Dr Janet Salmons who continues to help us understand what is possible with online learning, and remote and flexible delivery. We draw on some big questions as you think about your role as a teacher and how you translate your why to the classroom virtually and remotely and energy impacts others.

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Teachers supporting teachers: SERIES 2 EPISODE 13 - Online learning and the place of social, cognitive and teacher presence

In this episode I talk with distance learning guru, Dr Janet Salmons from the USA who has spent sometime working with concepts relatable to us as we navigate teaching online during remote and flexible learning as a part of Covid-19 changes to education. We are introduced the the Community of Inquiry model as a way to think about online learning.

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Teachers supporting teachers: SERIES 2 EPISODE 11 - Overcoming the shock of remote placement

Kelsey Chandler and Kathryn Pudney are final year Masters of Education (Primary) students from Swinburne University of Technology about the enter into their final ready to teach professional experience placement. In this episode they join me to share their tips, tricks and insights into how they navigated their previous remote and flexible placement. Their sharing offers great insights especially for those who have not experienced this way of working as yet.

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Teachers supporting teachers: Episode 11 with returning guests Athanasia and Emma

We welcome back Thana and Emma to Teachers Supporting Teachers Podcast from Episode 8 who we now speak to at the end of week three of a four week block of professional experience during COVID-19 flexible and remote learning. We discuss insights into the reality of this time for the profession of education who have been required to be dynamic and flexible.

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Teachers supporting teachers: Episode 9 with Hayley and Kathryn

Say hello to Hayley and Kathryn, two pre-service teachers from Swinburne University of Technology who are currently undertaking studies in Master of Education (Primary). We are five weeks in to flexible and remote learning in the state of Victoria, Australia, and Hayley and Kathryn are two weeks into being in this environment as pre-service teachers. This podcast has us having a virtual breakfast together on the morning of day ten of placement, just before the school day begins.  

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Teachers supporting teachers: Episode 8 with Athanasia Henderson and Emma Carmody

Say hello to Athanasia Henderson and Emma Carmody. In this episode we hear about different approaches to flexible and remote learning from two pre-service teachers in their final year studying to be primary teachers at Swinburne after their first week on placement. So many wonderful insights shared.

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