Teachers supporting teachers: Episode 11 with returning guests Athanasia and Emma


Episode 11

with return guests Athanasia and Emma



iHeart Radio

We welcome back Thana and Emma to Teachers Supporting Teachers Podcast from Episode 8 who we now speak to at the end of week three of a four week block of professional experience during COVID-19 flexible and remote learning.

In this episode we hear about shifts in experiences with engagement with students in the remote and flexible space, specifically talking about supporting connection with online platforms. Highlighted is the mentor relationship and also how parents are engaged with. We talk about how planning looks different but has been rewarding with opportunities to be pushed.

We also discuss “normal” and what language is highlighting juxtaposed to the discussions about flexibility and teaching being dynamic. The perspective of the student or young person is considered as well and how this influences our thinking. We talk a lot about “going to” a physical space in relation to this discussion and what it means in relation to primary school eductaion as well as what it means when we blur personal/professional spaces. The place of the social is highlighted and how we embrace this.

We chat in this episode about the transition to school as plans begin to roll out across the state for some grade and year levels. The complexity from a school perspective is shared but also the impact on teachers and families about making this decision.

Moments of wellbeing and coping as a sector, and wider community are discussed. From grounds keepers, through to parents and the wider school community involvement is shared. And we unpack all the different elements of this complex time with an honesty that reveals some of the not so positive aspects of right now. We talk honestly about the pitfalls but also how this can be reframed and connecting in with parents to bring them into the situation. We talk about various different ideas and processes to support this including cool ideas such as Therapeutic Thursdays.

Embracing the change within the profession is an appreciative moment shared in this episode and we talk in detail about what we have noticed in teachers, mentor teachers and the impact this has had on Thana and Emma as final year pre-service teachers. Your heart will sing with the gratitudes and appreciations shared.

And as you listen, I leave you with this question: When has change been for you an opportunity to expand your skills, knowledge and experiences?