Posts tagged conversations
Teachers supporting teachers: Episode 11 with returning guests Athanasia and Emma

We welcome back Thana and Emma to Teachers Supporting Teachers Podcast from Episode 8 who we now speak to at the end of week three of a four week block of professional experience during COVID-19 flexible and remote learning. We discuss insights into the reality of this time for the profession of education who have been required to be dynamic and flexible.

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Teachers supporting teachers: Episode 10 with Julia Sanchez

Say hello to Julia Sanchez, a graduate teacher who has been working as a casual relief teacher and support aide for young people. In this episode Julia shares with us her journey post graduation offering insights into working part-time and negotiating a career that is right for you at the right time. 

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Teachers supporting teachers: Episode 8 with Athanasia Henderson and Emma Carmody

Say hello to Athanasia Henderson and Emma Carmody. In this episode we hear about different approaches to flexible and remote learning from two pre-service teachers in their final year studying to be primary teachers at Swinburne after their first week on placement. So many wonderful insights shared.

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Teachers supporting teachers: Episode 7 with Claire Tang

Say hello to Claire Tang, a current pre-service teacher who has been innovative during COVID-19 and transferred her knowledge and skills as a teacher to online tutoring. In this episode Claire shines with her passion and love for learning and how she is sharing this with families and young people she is working with. We talk hope, inspiration, optimism, authenticity and how we share our smile.

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Teachers supporting teachers: Episode 4 with Stephanie Porcellana

Say hello to Stephanie Porcellana. She is a graduate teacher who will be entering the classroom with her first grade on day one of term 2, the moment that all Victorian schools move to online and remote learning due to COVID-19. Steph talks through her journey from graduation to gaining experience as a CRT and to then successfully being appointed as a Grade 4 teacher.

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Teachers supporting teachers: Episode 3 with Ed Wooldridge

Say hello to Ed Wooldridge a graduate teacher who has been working as a casual relief teacher (CRT) since the beginning of 2020 in Melbourne primary classrooms. Ed shares how he was able to dive right into CRT utilising his relationships from professional experience placements while also registering with a company whose primary role is to support schools with access to CRT teachers. In this episode Ed outlines his approach to gaining experience as a teacher while also developing his confidence and awareness of what environments are right for him right now. Through this process he has gleaned a number of crucial tips that are helpful for you as pre-service teachers and teacher.

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Teachers supporting teachers: Episode 2 with Jen Willis

Say hello to Jen Willis a passionate teacher and principal of the Daylesford Dharma School, a small independent school located in country Victoria, Australia. In this episode Jen and I talk all things authenticity, listening from the heart, the power of relationships and hope. One of the highlights is how Jen invites us to be hope builders and to really think about how we are aware, listen with the heart and enrich the whole person we are engaging with. Jen also shares her decision to close Daylesford Dharma School early before government COVID-19 advice. Enjoy this episode full of love and joy.

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Teachers supporting teachers: Episode 1 Podcast with Leesa Downes

Say hello to Leesa Downes, she is a teacher heavily influenced by Reggio Emilia, and currently working in an International Baccalaureate school that is delivering Primary Years Program (PYP) in Geelong, Victoria, Australia. Leesa is currently teaching prep, or the foundation year level, and working with inquiry learning and a strengths-based approach influenced by positive psychology. In this podcast we talk COVID-19 as an opportunity for change, wellbeing as a teacher, and tips and tricks for pre-service teachers applying for jobs and undertaking an interview.

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