Posts tagged care
Teachers Supporting Teachers Series 4 Episode 2: Connection and support during challenging times

Michelle and Narelle talk about staying connected and supporting our students through challenging times and the pandemic. We explore what it means to be holding space for yourself and others.

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Teachers supporting teachers: Episode 8 with Athanasia Henderson and Emma Carmody

Say hello to Athanasia Henderson and Emma Carmody. In this episode we hear about different approaches to flexible and remote learning from two pre-service teachers in their final year studying to be primary teachers at Swinburne after their first week on placement. So many wonderful insights shared.

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Teachers supporting teachers: Episode 7 with Claire Tang

Say hello to Claire Tang, a current pre-service teacher who has been innovative during COVID-19 and transferred her knowledge and skills as a teacher to online tutoring. In this episode Claire shines with her passion and love for learning and how she is sharing this with families and young people she is working with. We talk hope, inspiration, optimism, authenticity and how we share our smile.

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