Posts tagged smile
Teachers supporting teachers: SERIES 2 EPISODE 9 - Play as an interruption to stress

Welcome to this episode where we talk play. My guest Jodie Cooper joins me as we have a few giggles, and investigate smiles, laughs and conscious choices to engage in positivity . Play in our personal life for teachers is critical, we often think about it in regard to curriculum, but in this podcast episode we want to extend our ideas of play and we ask the questions: why is play important for us in our personal life? What might it look like in practice? And why is it important for our wellbeing and self-care?

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Teachers supporting teachers: Episode 7 with Claire Tang

Say hello to Claire Tang, a current pre-service teacher who has been innovative during COVID-19 and transferred her knowledge and skills as a teacher to online tutoring. In this episode Claire shines with her passion and love for learning and how she is sharing this with families and young people she is working with. We talk hope, inspiration, optimism, authenticity and how we share our smile.

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