Teachers supporting teachers: SERIES 2 EPISODE 12 - Secondary schools, working with families & kitchen experiments during remote learning

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Teachers supporting teachers: SERIES 2 EPISODE 12

econdary schools, working with families & kitchen experiments during remote learning



iHeart Radio

Google Podcast


Welcome to this episode where we dig deeper into the remote learning experience with Lisa Mandeltort, and teacher of Chemistry, Science and Digital Technologies plus Head of Science at Nossal High School in Berwick, Australia and Wendy Goff the Professional Experience Liaison Officer at Swinburne University of Technology. In this episode we have a three way conversation about Lisa’s experience as a teacher of science in the remote learning space with senior secondary students while also supporting a pre-service teacher's as a mentor. Wendy met Lisa in this capacity and offers extra insights into the practices she observed in Lisa’s during this time. 

Throughout the episode we reflect on: 

  •  How to approach a flexible and remote placement as a mentor teacher.

  •  The key aspects we have to be aware of from a school perspective when undertaking remote learning.

  • Some cool ways and strategies being enacted when working with the students remotely. 

  • We talk how to approach undertaking experiments at home safely.  

  •  How to support parents and families during remote learning.

  •  How a  mentor teacher can approach supporting a PST for remote learning.

  •  Top advice for a pre-service teacher who is a little bit hesitant of undertaking a remote placement.

Find out more:

Nossal High School