Teachers supporting teachers: Series 2, episode 5 - emotional intelligence

Teachers supporting teachers

Series 2, episode 5 - emotional intelligence



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In this episode I speak with Dr Michelle Tichy who is a USA based educator, researcher and educational psychologist with a background in contemplative practices, positive psychology, mindfulness and education. Our discussion focuses on unpacking what emotional intelligence is, why it is relevant to us personally and professionally, and what is looks like in practice.

As you explore this episode we engage with what emotional intelligence (EI) is. At the beginning of the episode we connect with key researchers in the field and we define it as “our capacity to have intelligence in the realm of social and emotional understanding”.We also acknowledge the work of Peter Salovey and John Moyer who developed the concept of EI, and Daniel Goleman who brought our attention to EI with his work and profile.

Throughout our conversation we will connect with various different scenarios in our personal and professional life that look at the capacity for self-regulation, self-managing and being self-ware. We explore what it means to know how we feel and understand how others feels. And we dig deep into self-awareness and how this connects us with empathy and fosters compassion in self and others.

Enjoy this episode as you reflect upon your own EI and what this means to you personally and professionally. As you process this podcast, I invite you to think about how you engage with theory and transfer this into practice, particularly in regard to EI. What does this mean for you in your personal life, and also in your role as a teacher (working with students, parents, leaders, industry, policy, and community)?

Extra resources:

Connect with Michelle on Twitter or Instagram or on the web.

Find out more:

Rethinking Learning: A Review of Social and Emotional Learning for Education Systems

 Peter Salovey and John D Moyer – Emotional Intelligence 

Daniel Goleman Introduces Emotional Intelligence

The effect of highly emotionally intelligent teachers on their students’ satisfaction