Teachers supporting teachers: Series 2, Episode 7 - developing a community of support to approach wellbeing


Teachers supporting teachers: Series 2, episode 7

Developing a community of support to approach wellbeing



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In this episode I talk with Tina Hascher, a Professor of Education Science at the University of Bern in Switzerland.   

We talk about her latest research in wellbeing and why is it important for future teachers and teachers to care about wellbeing. Throughout the episode we raise the importance of caring about wellbeing coming from both sides - teachers and students. For students the school environment is so crucial with many situations where they are required to adapt and achieve, where we as educators need to do everything that we possibly can to support them. And for teachers we acknowledge this is a complex and demanding profession, with even more reason for why they also require support and an environment that enables them to be able to meet the expectations of society.

Throughout the episode we discuss practical tips and strategies underpinned with theory and research that highlight how teachers can approach supporting their students with wellbeing. Tina also offers advice for addressing problems associated to educators not realising wellbeing is something we need to work on constantly as well.  We also encourage you to form a community of learners that support one another, hoping that planting this seed will inspire you to consider what can be possible.  

And we end the episode with a juicy question: What can we do more of when it comes to wellbeing in education? For teachers? For students?

Find out more:

Wellbeing and academic learning 

Student wellbeing and academic achievement 

The impact of wellbeing on teaching and learning

Tina’s research accessible on Google Scholar