Teachers supporting teachers: SERIES 2 EPISODE 16 - Literacy, reading, wellbeing and the relationship between school and home

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Teachers supporting teachers: SERIES 2 EPISODE 16

Literacy, reading, wellbeing and the relationship between school and home



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Welcome to this episode where Siobhan O’Brien who is an academic in initial teacher education at Swinburne University of Technology joins this series and unpacks for us how literacy can be an avenue to discuss our wellbeing. We talk about literacy in this episode in relation to working with young children, with parents, and in the classroom. One of the highlights of this episode is a discussion about the place of literacy & reading in the home.

In this episode we discuss:

  • You are working on your PhD at the moment, at writing up stage, and I wonder what would be the 3 insights you have found that are inspiring?

  • As we think about the place of literacy in the classroom, how can we use literature to support conversations about wellbeing and self-esteem?

  • How can PSTs go about selecting a book and introducing it to the class?

  • How can we foster literacy in the home and build on relationships between teachers and parents?

  • Best advice you can offer PSTs and graduate teachers about integrating literature into learning?

And as you listen and think about this episode, I invite to consider the questions: 

  • What is the place of literature in the classroom?

  •  How might you utilise literature in your classrooms to support your conversations of wellbeing and wellness? 

  • What is your purpose for using literature to scaffold social and emotional conversations?  

  • How can you utilise the strengths of creativity and curiosity to place literature at the heart of your teaching? 

Connect with Siobhan:


The Reading WELL blog 



You may wish to find out more here:

Catalano, A. (2008). Making a Place for Bibliotherapy on the Shelves of a Curriculum Materials Center: The Case for Helping Pre-Service Teachers Use Developmental Bibliotherapy in the Classroom. Education Libraries, 31(1), 17-22.

Crago, H. (2006). Healing texts: bibliotherapy and psychology.  In P. Hunt (Ed.), Understanding Children's Literature  (pp. 190-199). London: Routledge.

Emerson, L., Fear, J., Fox, S., & Sanders, E. (2012). Parental engagement in learning and schooling: Lessons from research. Canberra: Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY) for the Family–School and Community Partnerships Bureau.

Hynes, Arleen McCarty. (2019) Bibliotherapy: The Interactive Process a Handbook, London: Routledge.