Teachers supporting teachers: SERIES 2 EPISODE 13 - Online learning and the place of social, cognitive and teacher presence
Teachers supporting teachers: SERIES 2 EPISODE 13
Online learning and the place of social, cognitive and teacher presence
iHeart Radio
Google Podcast
In this episode I talk with distance learning guru, Dr Janet Salmons from the USA who has spent sometime working with concepts relatable to us as we navigate teaching online during remote and flexible learning as a part of Covid-19 changes to education. We focus on throughout this episode:
What remote, distance, full and hybrid e-learning are.
How we can structure learning online.
What we need to consider when working online as educators.
How to get the most from course and supplementary materials.
How to get the most from assessments and feedback.
Janet introduced us to the work of Garrison and Anderson and the Community of Inquiry model. We spend a great amount of time decoding this model as a framework to consider how to be a student and teacher online. We note:
Social Presence: how do we engage with the ability for participants to project their individual personalities so that they can identify and communicate with the community and develop inter-personal relationships. (Garrison, 2009)
Cognitive Presence: how can we support learners to construct and confirm meaning through sustained reflection and discourse. (Garrison, Anderson, & Archer, 2001, 2004)
Teaching Presence: how do we design the experience? How do we facilitate the experience? and how do we direct the experience? All in relation to supporting the social and cognitive processes for the purpose of realizing the relevant learning outcomes (Anderson, Rourke, Garrison, & Archer, 2001).
Enjoy this episode with Janet, with the interview being in two parts with even more practical tips to follow in the next episode.
To follow up on:
Find out more about Janet Salmons: LinkedIn, Twitter, Sage MethodSpace, and her website.
Community of inquiry resources: Use of technology.
Blog space and community sharing about the Community of Inquiry model.